Engine Repair
Call to schedule serviceWe understand more than anyone why vehicles are considered one of the many necessities of life. Figuring out how you’ll get your child to daycare, or how you’ll get to work every day, while your vehicle is disabled, can be a hassle. You can always trust us to listen, gather information to help identify the issue, and get you back on the road and back to your life. Bring your vehicle in today and we’ll make sure that it leaves running optimally.

As easy as it may be to ignore check engine or warning lamps, abnormal noises, fluid leaks or poor performance, refusing to respond immediately may lead to more serious engine problems down the road. Some of these problems may include…
• Burning more fuel than necessary
• Overheating
• Making loud noises
Having your engine diagnosed for repairs can save you a lot of trouble and money. We have a certified team of experts that are skilled in engine diagnostics and repairs. An accurate engine diagnostic can prevent build up that may ultimately damage your engine components. Our engine repair and maintenance services include:
• Engine Diagnostics and Repair
• Fluid Services
• Tune-ups
Give us a call at 269-323-1233 to speak with us about how we can assist you in providing your vehicle with the care that it needs!